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Discover Your Creative Flow: A 3-Step Guide to Connecting with Your Muse

Most creative geniuses rely on specific activities to tap into the creative zone. This article, featuring numerous real-world examples, explores the leading-edge research on this topic. Additionally, it offers a simple three-step process to help you easily enter your creative zone and unlock your most brilliant ideas. 1

Ideas Spark When We Are Not Focused 

Let’s explore Jeff Bezos’s morning routine. Here’s how the visionary founder of Amazon describes it: “I like to putter in the morning. I get up early. I go to bed early. I like to read the newspaper. I like to have coffee. I like to have breakfast with my kids before they go to school. So, my puttering time is very important to me. That’s why I set my first meeting for ten o’clock.” 2


Key Takeaways:  

  1. Open attention, boredom, daydreaming, and mind-wandering fuel creativity. 
  1. The activities that encourage mind-wandering are diverse and individualized. 
  1. We can identify our creativity triggers by observing ourselves and taking notes. 
  1. Once we uncover our creativity triggers, we must schedule them into our routines.